Elements of STIL:

Principles and Applications of IEEE Std. 1450

the yellow book with the pelican on the cover

Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishing
Publishing Date 09/03
Pages 332
ISBN 1-4020-7637-1
List Price USD 145.00
the 3 authors

Elements of STIL, by Gregory A. Maston, Tony R. Taylor, and Julie N. Villar, describes the Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) and it's application in practical contexts.

Elements of STIL expands on the constructs of the STIL language beyond the information contained in the IEEE standard. The book presents not just the constructs of the language, but contains in-depth discussion on the intent and background of these constructs by the co-chairs of the Working Group that defined the language.

Unique to this book, Elements of STIL identifies special considerations when applying the concepts presented, highlighted under sections titled STIL Conventions. STIL Conventions identify recommendations for using STIL constructs, to maximize the utility of STIL as it was intended to be applied. Each convention features an icon to identify what application context is affected by this convention. The following icons are used throughout the book:


Issues to consider when moving this data to a tester environment. The following convention identifies a recommended practice to facilitate the transportation of STIL data into an Automated Test Equipment (ATE) context.


Issues to consider when moving this data around different environments. Similar to the recommendations for porting STIL data into the ATE context, but these conventions present additional issues for other consumers of STIL data.


Perspectives or behaviors that are explicitly not intended to be part of the STIL environment.

Sections that cover very specific details of the language or present an overview of the context of an application also use the following icons:


The next section does not talk specifically about the STIL language, but presents information about the context of the application - an overview only. People unfamiliar with the context of the application can gain insight here with the understanding that there is no STIL specific information being presented in this section.


The next section delves into a specific detail of the language, to expand on a very narrow topic. For people reading the book for an overview of the STIL language and it's use, these sections cover additional detail that are not critical to that high-level understanding.

Elements of STIL should be read by those designing for test, supporting the testing of Integrated Circuits, transporting test data to and from CAD generation environments onto test environments, and supporting digital test applications.

Contents of Elements of STIL: 1. List of Figures; 2. List of Tables; 3. Preface; 4. Foundations of STIL; 5. STIL Test; 6. Signals; 7. Timing; 8. Patterns; 9. Tying It All Together; 10. Files and the Include Statement; 11. Specifications; 12. Partitioning Timing; 13. Advanced Timing; 14. Procedures and Macros; 15. STIL Scan; 16. STIL Levels; 17. More Pattern Constructs; 18. User Extensions; 19. Additional Test Considerations; 20. Name Mapping; 21. Terminology; 22. Bibliography; 23. STIL Syntax Summary; 24. Index.

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Last Updated: 07/07/19